System Project and Design Bureau

Main features

Basic task of System Project and Design Bureau (SPDB) is to ensure efficiency of control and implementation of comprehensive projects in the framework of the Federal Targeted Programs (FTP), as well as to ensure the activities of our enterprise in the field of rendering complex services, starting from object design and up to its “turn-key” commissioning.

SPDB consolidates all stages of life-cycle of a comprehensive project, starting from project initiation and up to an object commissioning, including the following ones:

  • Front-end engineering;
  • Planning, design and research work as well as participation in expertise procedure;
  • Equipment manufacture and delivery;
  • Fulfillment of start-up-and-adjustment and commissioning work;
  • Training of Customer’s personnel on rules of operating the equipment delivered;
  • Commissioning of projects to the Customer;
  • Warranty and post-warranty servicing.


There are departments of SPDB aimed on fulfillment of functions of project management, design documentation development, arrangement of construction-and-installation work, as well as departments, which provide economical and legal support of projects (contracts). Well co-ordinated teamwork of departments to allows realize full scope of work for objects of any level of complexity.

Consolidation of all stages of a comprehensive project within one design bureau allowe to enhanc project efficiency, optimizing time intervals for the work fulfillment and minimize project expenses and risks.

System Project and Design Bureau
System Project and Design Bureau
System Project and Design Bureau

Main functions of SPDB are:

  • Analysis of basic directions of FTP development on Modernization of Consolidated System of Air Traffic Management System and Federal Service of Airspace Reconnaissance and Monitoring, work-out of investment ideas for planning, design, construction, redesign and overhaul of the objects for aforemetianed Consolidated Systems;
  • Establishment of co-operation between external organizations for design and equipping the objects of Consolidated Air Traffic Management System and Federal of Airspace Reconnaissance and Monitoring;
  • Planning and direct development of project and design documentation for installation of equipment to the centers of Consolidated Air Traffic Management System for air-navigational servicing of flights in terminal areas and on air routes, including dual-use aids, meteorological support and information-technical interaction systems;
  • Complex project management, arrangement and co-ordination of the work on equipment delivery and